About overtourism

Problems of Overtourism

The tourism industry seems to believe that overtourism mainly stands in the way of continuous growth but, its impact may be an existential risk for destinations around the world. There are many examples where the cultural and natural heritage of a place is at risk, or where costs of living and real estate have substantially increased and caused a decline in quality of life. And if the scope of tourism is not to increase the residents’ quality of life, then what is it?!

The spread of overtourism could cause the loss of authenticity and imply a significant risk to the future attractiveness of a destination. Uncontrolled tourism development can cause significant damage to landscapes, seascapes, air, and water quality, as well as the living conditions of residents, causing economic inequalities and social exclusion, amongst many other issues.

The economic significance of tourism (especially in creating jobs and bringing revenue to destinations) is frequently mentioned, along with terms such as “responsible growth” and “managing growth”. The essence of this theme lies in the assumption that it is not the global travel industry’s rapid expansion that creates overtourism, but rather “bad management” of the growth momentum. This indicates a strong distribution of responsibilities.


  1. Unfortunately that’s so true. We were at Noussa yesterday (we‘ve been there several times for many years) and we were very dissapointed. It’s not greek anymore. International lounge music in former traditional tavernas … people will go to Mallorca, Ibiza or Greece – it doesn’t matter where … Greece will lose the tourists who lost their hearts in Greece – and will loose its soul.

  2. We spent time on Mycanos in the 1970s and have seen what it became, which led us to visit Paros in 2010. We have been there nearly every year since then and love it for its beauty and traditional charm. Sure, the clubs in Naoussa are not traditional, but the rest of the island has remained authentic and wonderful. As discussed on this site, the proposed expansion of the airport will change everything for the worse.

  3. Ive been coming to Paros since the early 80s and im afraid its already too much….it was too much 5 or 6 years ago and now its at breaking point!! The building is out of control you can’t even see the stars at night anymore….Why do people insist on calling this progress? The only thing we progress towards is the island in ruins. People come to Paros for the traditional charm, beauty and the greek hospitality which is already becoming difficult to find (see Parosporos, see Agia Irini and now investors are sniffing out Marcelo beach)….the island always had such good heart energy…such a healing place and they are stomping all over it with bulldozers and cement!! I personally would rather sit in Haroulas Taverna in Marpissa then go to a chique restaurant in Naoussa and so would most people I think. This airport extension will be its death knell and the permanent residents of Paros will get nothing for it…..

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